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Expressions: Range Operations

A range operation is a way to create a range of integer values. There are six different types of range operations: from, to, to inclusive, between, between inclusive, and full.

The range operation is way of constructing a Psl\Range\RangeInterface object, according to the following table:

start..Psl\Range\FromRangestart ≤ x
..endPsl\Range\ToRangex < end
..=endPsl\Range\ToRangex ≤ end
start..endPsl\Range\BetweenRangestart ≤ x < end
start..=endPsl\Range\BetweenRangestart ≤ x ≤ end

The following operations are equivalent:

$a = new Psl\Range\between(1, 10, false);
$b = 1..10;

Psl\invariant($a == $b);

Ranges can be iterated over as long as the range has a starting point:

foreach 1..100 as $value {
    // $value is 1, 2, 3, ..., 99


A from range operation can be used to create a range from a starting point to infinity. This is done using the .. operator following the starting point.

$a = 1..;


A to range operation can be used to create a range to an ending point. This is done using the .. operator preceding the ending point.

$a = ..10;

To Inclusive

A to inclusive range operation can be used to create a range to an ending point, inclusive. This is done using the ..= operator preceding the ending point.

$a = ..=10;


A between range operation can be used to create a range from a starting point to an ending point. This is done using the .. operator between the starting and ending points.

$a = 1..10;

Between Inclusive

A between inclusive range operation can be used to create a range from a starting point to an ending point, inclusive. This is done using the ..= operator between the starting and ending points.

$a = 1..=10;


A full range operation can be used to create a range to infinity. This is done using the .. operator.

$a = ..;

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