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Expressions: Class Operations


Classes can be instantiated using the new operator, followed by the class name, followed by an optional type parameter ( ::<type> ), followed by a comma-separated list of arguments in parentheses.

$foo = new Foo();
$bar = new Bar(1, 2, 3);
$baz = new Baz::<int>(1, 2, 3, 4);


Parentheses are required after the class name, even if there are no arguments.

function example(): void {
  $a = new Foo;

The code above will result in the following error:

error[P0042]: unexpected token `;`, expected `(`
  ┌─ examples/class-instantiation-without-paren.ara:2:15

2 │   $a = new Foo;
  │               ^ unexpected token `;`, expected `(`


The class name must be either an identifier, or a variable, and cannot be a dynamic expression.

Examples of valid instantiations:

$foo = new Foo();
$bar = new $foo();

If a dynamic expression is used, the parser will throw an error.

function example(): void {
  $a = new (foo())();

The code above will result in the following error:

error[P0042]: unexpected token `(`, expected an identifier
  ┌─ examples/dynamic-instantiation.ara:2:12

2 │   $a = new (foo())();
  │            ^ unexpected token `(`, expected an identifier

Anonymous class instantiation

Anonymous classes can be instantiated using the new operator, followed by class, followed by a comma-separated list of arguments in parentheses.

$foo = new class() {
    // ...


Parentheses are required after the class keyword, even if there are no arguments.

function example(): void {
  $a = new class {
    // ...

The code above will result in the following error:

error[P0042]: unexpected token `{`, expected `(`
  ┌─ examples/anonymous-class-instantiation-without-paren.ara:2:18

2 │   $a = new class {
  │                  ^ unexpected token `{`, expected `(`

Static Method Calls

Static methods can be called on a class using the :: operator, followed by the method name, followed by an optional type parameter ( ::<type> ), followed by a comma-separated list of arguments in parentheses.

Foo::baz::<int>(1, 2, 3);


The method name must be an identifier, and cannot be a dynamic expression.

function example(): string {

The code above will result in the following error:

error[P0042]: unexpected token `{`, expected a variable, an identifier, or `class`
  ┌─ examples/dynamic-static-method-call.ara:2:8

2 │   Foo::{bar()}()
  │        ^ unexpected token `{`, expected a variable, an identifier, or `class`

Static Method Closure Creation

A closure can be created from a static method using the :: operator, followed by the method name, followed by an optional type parameter ( ::<type> ), followed by (...).

$bar = Foo::bar(...);
$baz = Foo::baz::<int>(...);

Static Property Access

Static properties can be accessed on a class using the :: operator, followed by the property name.



The :: operator can also be used to access static properties on an object

$foo = new Foo();



The property name must be an identifier, and cannot be a dynamic expression.

function example(): string {

The code above will result in the following error:

error[P0042]: unexpected token `$`, expected a variable, an identifier, or `class`
  ┌─ examples/dynamic-static-property-access.ara:2:8

2 │   Foo::${bar()}
  │        ^ unexpected token `$`, expected a variable, an identifier, or `class`

Class Constant Access

Class constants can be accessed on a class using the :: operator, followed by the constant name.



The :: operator can also be used to access constants on an object

$foo = new Foo();



The constant name must be an identifier, and cannot be a dynamic expression.

function example(): string {

The code above will result in the following error:

error[P0042]: unexpected token `{`, expected a variable, an identifier, or `class`
  ┌─ examples/dynamic-constant-access.ara:2:8

2 │   Foo::{bar()}
  │        ^ unexpected token `{`, expected a variable, an identifier, or `class`

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